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Validator pattern for traversing ShExJ schemas


npm install --save @shexjs/validator


Using Partition(<schema>, [<URL>s]) as an example, an illustrative way to invoke from it from the command line uses @shexjs/parser and N3.js:

const ShExParser = require('@shexjs/parser');
const { ctor: RdfJsDb } = require('@shexjs/neighborhood-rdfjs')
const {ShExValidator} = require('@shexjs/validator');
const {Parser: N3Parser, Store: N3Store} = require('n3');
const base = 'http://a.example/';

const shexc = `
<S1> {
  <p1> . ;
  <p2> . ;

const turtle = `
<n1> <p1> 1 ; <p3> 2 . # missing p2
<n2> <p4> 1 ; <p2> 2 . # missing p1

const schema = ShExParser.construct(base)
const g = new N3Store();
new N3Parser({baseIRI: base}).parse(turtle, (error, quad, prefixes) => {
  if (quad)
      new ShExValidator(schema, RdfJsDb(g))
        .validate([{node: base + 'n1', shape: base + 'S1'},
                   {node: base + 'n2', shape: base + 'S1'}]),
      null, 2 # stringify args

The result is a JSON structure which reports the expected errors

  "type": "FailureList",
  "errors": [
      "type": "Failure",
      "node": "http://a.example/n1",
      "shape": "http://a.example/S1",
      "errors": [
          "type": "MissingProperty",
          "property": "http://a.example/p2"
      "type": "Failure",
      "node": "http://a.example/n2",
      "shape": "http://a.example/S1",
      "errors": [
          "type": "MissingProperty",
          "property": "http://a.example/p1"

Validation Proof

If we correct the two errors in the above Turtle:

<n1> <p1> 1 ; <p2> 2 . # fixed missing p2
<n2> <p1> 3 ; <p2> 4 . # fixed missing p1

, the validator gives us a proof of conformance:

  "type": "SolutionList",
  "solutions": [
      "type": "ShapeTest",
      "node": "http://a.example/n1",
      "shape": "http://a.example/S1",
      "solution": {
        "type": "EachOfSolutions",
        "solutions": [
            "type": "EachOfSolution",
            "expressions": [
                "type": "TripleConstraintSolutions",
                "predicate": "http://a.example/p1",
                "solutions": [
                    "type": "TestedTriple",
                    "subject": "http://a.example/n1",
                    "predicate": "http://a.example/p1",
                    "object": {
                      "value": "1",
                      "type": ""
                "type": "TripleConstraintSolutions",
                "predicate": "http://a.example/p2",
                "solutions": [
                    "type": "TestedTriple",
                    "subject": "http://a.example/n1",
                    "predicate": "http://a.example/p2",
                    "object": {
                      "value": "2",
                      "type": ""
      "type": "ShapeTest",
      "node": "http://a.example/n2",
      "shape": "http://a.example/S1",
      "solution": {
        "type": "EachOfSolutions",
        "solutions": [
            "type": "EachOfSolution",
            "expressions": [
                "type": "TripleConstraintSolutions",
                "predicate": "http://a.example/p1",
                "solutions": [
                    "type": "TestedTriple",
                    "subject": "http://a.example/n2",
                    "predicate": "http://a.example/p1",
                    "object": {
                      "value": "3",
                      "type": ""
                "type": "TripleConstraintSolutions",
                "predicate": "http://a.example/p2",
                "solutions": [
                    "type": "TestedTriple",
                    "subject": "http://a.example/n2",
                    "predicate": "http://a.example/p2",
                    "object": {
                      "value": "4",
                      "type": ""

Specifying Shape Evaluator

The triple expression in a Shape is essentially a fancy regular expression. shex.js ships with two evaluators:

You can specify which module to use with the schema options parameter to the validator constructor:

      new ShExValidator(schema, RdfJsDb(g), {
        regexModule: require('@shexjs/eval-simple-1err')

External Shapes

One form of ShEx extensibility is the declaration of external shapes:

<S1> {
  <p1> @<S2>

These must be supplied to your validator but the ShEx specification does not specify how. In ShExJS, these must be supplied as a constructor argument:

      new ShExValidator(schema, RdfJsDb(g), {
        regexModule: require('@shexjs/eval-simple-1err'),
        validateExtern: myValidator

function myValidator (point, shapeLabel, ctx) { // (RdfJs.Term, string, ShapeExprValidationContext) -> ShExV.shapeExprTest
  if (shapeLabel === "http://a.example/S2") {
    const p2z = g.getQuads(point, 'http://a.example/p2', null);
    if (p2z.length === 1) {
      return {
        "type": "ShapeTest",
        "node": "_:b0",
        "shape": "http://a.example/S2",
        "solution": {
          "type": "TripleConstraintSolutions",
          "predicate": "http://a.example/p2",
          "solutions": [
              "type": "TestedTriple",
              "subject": point,
              "predicate": "http://a.example/p2",
              "object": p2z[0].object.value

Failure to supply an external validator function when validating a schema with external shapes will result in an exception:

TypeError: this.options.validateExtern is not a function

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