This module provides HTTP access functions for @shexjs library. For file:
access or dynamic loading of ShEx extensions, use @shexjs/node
npm install @shexjs/loader
const ShExIo = require('@shexjs/loader');
@shexjs/writer - convert ShExJ as ShExC
shape-map - pairs of node/shape implementing ShapeMap
load shex and json files into a single ShEx schema and data into a graph.
SOURCE may be
returns: {Promise<{schema: any, dataMeta: [], data: ( | null), schemaMeta: *[]}>} |
const N3 = require('n3'); // used for graph API example
// Initialize @shexjs/loader with implementations of APIs.
const ShExLoader = require("@shexjs/loader")({
rdfjs: N3, // use N3 as an RdfJs implementation
fetch: require('node-fetch'), // fetch implementation
jsonld: require('jsonld') // JSON-LD (if you need it)
// Schemas from URL, text and ShExJ:
const schemaFromUrl =
const schemaAsText = { // ShExC schema and its location
url: "http://a.example/schemaAsText",
text: `
<#ShapeFromText> {
<#p1> @<S1> # reference to Shape loaded from URL
const schemaAsShExJ = {
url: "http://a.example/ShExJ",
schema: {
type: "Schema", // simple schema with single NodeConstraint
shapes: [
{ "type": "ShapeDecl",
"id": "http://a.example/S1", // overwrite S1 with NodeConstraint
"shapeExpr": {
"type": "NodeConstraint",
"nodeKind": "iri",
"pattern": "^https?:" } }
] }
// Data graphs from URL, text and graph API:
const graphFromUrl =
const graphAsText = { // RDF graph and its location
url: "http://a.example/graphAsText",
text: `
<#N2> <#p2> "o2" . # reference to Shape loaded from URL`
const { namedNode, literal, defaultGraph, quad } = N3.DataFactory;
const graphFromApi = {
url: "http://a.example/graphFromApi",
graph: new N3.Store()
// ShExLoader.load returns a promise to load and merge schema and data.
function collisionPolicy (type, left, right) {
console.log(type, 'collision between', left, right);
return false; // keep left assignment (i.e. no reassignment)
const schemaAndDataP = ShExLoader.load(
{ shexc: [ schemaFromUrl, schemaAsText, schemaAsShExJ ] },
{ turtle: [ graphFromUrl, graphAsText, graphFromApi ] },
{ // schemaOptions
collisionPolicy // print collisions and keep eariler assignment
// instead of a function, could be string: 'left', 'right' or 'throw'
// Print out results to show off returned structure.
schemaAndDataP.then(({schema, schemaMeta, data, dataMeta}) => {
console.log('schemaMeta:\n' + JSON.stringify(schemaMeta, null, 2));
console.log('shapes:\n' + => ' ' + + ' is a ' + s.shapeExpr.type).join('\n'));
console.log('dataMeta:\n' + JSON.stringify(dataMeta, null, 2));
console.log('triples:\n' + data.getQuads().map(
q => ' ' +
(['subject', 'predicate', 'object'])
.map(t => q[t].value).join(' ')).join('\n'));
shapeDecl collision between {
id: 'http://a.example/S1',
type: 'ShapeDecl',
shapeExpr: {
type: 'Shape',
expression: { type: 'OneOf', expressions: [Array] }
} {
type: 'ShapeDecl',
id: 'http://a.example/S1',
shapeExpr: { type: 'NodeConstraint', nodeKind: 'iri', pattern: '^https?:' }
[ { "mediaType": "text/shex", "url": "https:…cli/1dotOr2dot.shex",
"base": "https:…cli/1dotOr2dot.shex", "prefixes": {} },
{ "mediaType": "text/shex", "url": "http://a.example/schemaAsText",
"base": "http://a.example/schemaAsText", "prefixes": {} },
{ "mediaType": "text/shex", "url": "http://a.example/ShExJ",
"prefixes": {}, "_prefixes": {} }
http://a.example/schemaAsText#ShapeFromText is a Shape
http://a.example/S1 is a NodeConstraint
[ { "mediaType": "text/turtle", "url": "http://a.example/graphFromApi",
"base": "http://a.example/graphFromApi", "prefixes": {} },
{ "mediaType": "text/turtle", "url": "http://a.example/graphAsText",
"base": "http://a.example/graphAsText", "prefixes": {} },
{ "mediaType": "text/turtle", "url": "https:…cli/p1.ttl",
"base": "https:…cli/p1.ttl", "prefixes": { "": "http://a.example/" } }
http://a.example/graphFromApi#N3 http://a.example/p3 o3
http://a.example/graphAsText#N2 http://a.example/graphAsText#p2 o2
https:…cli/x http://a.example/p1 p1-0
prototype of loadExtensions. does nothing
return promise of {contents, url}
Use @shexjs/loader
const ShExIo = require("@shexjs/loader")({
rdfjs: N3,
fetch: require('node-fetch')
Extend @shexjs/loader
with jsonld and a non-standard jsonld document loader:
const ShExIo = require("@shexjs/loader")({
rdfjs: N3,
fetch: require('node-fetch'),
jsonld: require('jsonld'),
jsonLdOptions: { documentLoader }
async function documentLoader (url, options) {
# see
This repo uses lerna to manage multiple NPM packages. These packages are located in packages/*
– a ShapeMap parser@shexjs/parser
– parse ShExC into ShExJ@shexjs/writer
– serialize ShExK as ShExC@shexjs/term
– RDF terms uses in ShEx@shexjs/util
– some utilities for transforming schemas or validation output@shexjs/visitor
– a visitor for schemas@shexjs/validator
– validate nodes in an RDF graph against shapes in a schema@shexjs/eval-validator-api
– API called by @shexjs/validator
for validating Shapes, with tripleExpressions and EXTENDS etc.@shexjs/eval-simple-1err
– Implementation of @shexjs/eval-validator-api
which reports only one error.@shexjs/eval-threaded-nerr
– Implementation of @shexjs/eval-validator-api
which exhaustively enumerate combinations of ways the data fails to satisfy a shape’s expression.@shexjs/loader
– an API for loading and using ShEx schemas@shexjs/node
– additional API functionality for a node environment@shexjs/cli
– a set of command line tools for transformaing and validating with schemas@shexjs/webapp
– the shex-simple WEBApp@shexjs/shape-path-query
– traverse ShEx schemas with a path language@shexjs/extension-test
– a small language for testing semantic actions in ShEx implementations (more)@shexjs/extension-map
– an extension for transforming data from one schema to another (more)@shexjs/extension-eval
– simple extension which evaluates Javascript semantic action code (more)